Saturday, December 22, 2007

the answer

Why did God create humans?

A: He had nothing else to do.
B: He wanted someone He could love.
C: He needed some new toys.
D: He did it on accident. He sneezed, and there we were.

The correct answer is B. God created us because He wanted someone to love, and He wanted someone who would love Him. Humanity exists solely to fulfill these two purposes. He wants us to worship Him, and He wants to bless us. Whether our loving Him or His loving us is the more important of the two reasons, I don't know. I don't think it matters, at the moment.
The point is this: we have a specific purpose--the object of God's love. OK, why does this matter?
Yesterday, I asked why God would create humans as such frail creatures. Why would He want to be stuck taking care of us? Maybe because He loves us.
Most of you have probably finished your Christmas shopping by now. If so, you probably understand what I'm saying. Giving to people you love is a good experience. I would recommend it as therapy to anyone who is depressed. It's somehow uplifting to imagine the faces of other people as they receive a much-desired gift.
God is the same way. He loves to give us gifts, although sometimes these gifts are hard to see. They can be as simple as a roof over your head or food to eat. I'm not talking about prosperity theology here at all. My point is just this: God loves to give to us, just as we love to give to others. We are, after all, made in His image.
I hope that I've answered my own question now, pointless though it may be. And though it may be pointless, please remember one thing: to avoid depression, give gifts (I'll post a wishlist sometime).
Goodbye, valiant reader