Sunday, March 16, 2008

Traffic Laws

A lot of things in the church today can be illustrated by various traffic laws.

1. Legalism

Legalism is like this: imagine that you are driving along the road. You come to a stop sign. You come to a complete stop, look both ways, and then go. You don't, however, wait for the other cars to get out of the way. That's legalism: following a set of rules to the letter, but forgetting their actual purpose.

2. Hypocrisy

Now, you are driving on a stretch of road where the speed limit is sixty mph. You decide, instead to drive at sixty-five. This is illegal, of course. A few minutes later, a car passes you, driving at seventy mph. So you begin to complain loudly to anyone who will listen about how that person who passed you is a horrible law-breaker. Although you were speeding too, he was going even further above the speed limit.

I thought of others also, but these are the two clearest illustrations. So this is what I wrote.

Goodbye, valiant reader,