Tuesday, July 15, 2008

americans are all wrong

I met an American today, and he was a jerk. He was loud, rude and pretty much annoying in every way. I was so annoyed by him, that I've decided to just drop the whole "Declaration of Independence" thing. If Americans are all so annoying, why should I believe the same thing that they believe?

Yes, this is a stupid thing to say. I know that. But the same idea carries over into religion all the time. For example, "I don't believe in God. It's not like Christians are any different anyway."

That is stupid. Whatever I do, God is the same. God was here before me, and God is always going to be bigger than I am. So don't judge God based on my actions. If you should choose to use the logic written above, I can't stop you. But I can sure tell you that it's not a good idea.

Be smart. Use uncommon sense.