Friday, January 18, 2008

my pocket

Here are the contents of my pockets, in case you want to know:

1. A wallet. This is a useful thing to have for carrying money, a driver's liscense and credit cards. The only thing is, I have none of those.

2. A guitar pick. This is much more useful, because when I pick up my guitar I don't have to search for an hour before I can actually play it. Although usually the pick ends up magically in my wallet, making it harder than ever to find it.

3. A pocket knife. Always good to have, in case I get lost in the wilderness and have to kill a bear.

4. Coins. How else do you make a big decision?

5. Holes. These aren't technically in my pocket, but lots of coins seem to end up going through these tedious spots of emptiness.

And that's all. I think the tag (completely useless) is pretty accurate today.

Goodbye, valiant reader,


Anonymous said...

I'm so pathetic. I'm commenting on my own blog because nobody else will. I hope my book has more readers than my blog.


Melissa Nelson said...

Your book already has more readers than your blog. And we're all waiting for the next chapters. I guess we should be praying for inspiration to help you get over writer's block. But meanwhile, I'm enjoying the blog!