Friday, February 15, 2008

Help Wanted

I can think of nothing good to talk about. I wish that I did. So here's what I want you, the valiant reader, to do for me. You've been sitting there reading my hard work for all this time. It's time for you to do your part. Here are your instructions.

1. Click below where it says "comments."

2. Write something in the box contained therein. This something can be whatever you think could be relevant and helpful. This could be a Bible verse, a theological statement, a non-theological statement, or the beginnings of the trace of an idea of something.

3. Post the comment.

This really isn't just a ploy to show how many people are reading my blog. If that's what it was, I know that I would be horribly disappointed. I just have run low on inspiration.

I hope to hear from you shortly,


Anonymous said...


How can God hear everyone's prayers at once, and still give them each individual attention? Are our prayers worth anything?


Anonymous said...

A long time ago, when I was in Catholic school, a priest tried to explain the Trinity to us. Although a little juvenile, I still think it a good analogy. He said we can compare the Father and Son to a mother and father with the love for their children compared to the Holy Spirit. As a mother and grandmother I can better understand unconditional love.
This same priest also quoted St. Augustine(I think- it was some 47 years ago); "trying to understand the Trinity is like trying to fill a bucket with the ocean"- Grammy

Zoey's Mom said...

I'm listening! Nothing to add, but just wanted to let you know I'm here. :-) Even though that wasn't your intention...

Aunt Julie

PS. I think Grammy's priest's trinity analogy does not make any sense at all.