Monday, April 7, 2008


Now that I have proven Christianity (to my own satisfaction, at least), I will make the following statement: Christians are stupid. They are not universally stupid, but many are foolish nonetheless. This can be summed up in the phenomena of evolution.

I don't personally believe in evolution. I don't think that the evidence supports it. I think that scientists should carefully search through what little evidence there is, and carefully reconsider the theory. However, many Christians have a better idea how to disprove it.

"The Bible says the world was made in six days, so evolution is wrong."

What a brilliant idea. It's sort of like being your own witness in court. If the Bible is the thing in question here, then how can we use it as evidence? Christians are killing themselves with their stupidity. Those of us who think (yes, I am including myself in the thinking group) don't want to be lumped together with the others, but we are anyway. We're technically part of the same religion, and so therefore we must be as stupid as the rest.

So let's start thinking, and stop saying "I want it to be this way and so it is." All we're doing is making ourselves look like two-year-olds.

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