Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mr. Obama

You may have heard about some guy named Barrack Obama recently. In case you haven't, he's running for president right now. I agree with just about nothing that he says. I think he's probably a communist, and he is going to be the worst president that America has ever had.

So this prompts a question. How can I remain loyal to both this country and my God?

In Matthew 22, Jesus is tested by the Pharisees. They ask him basically the same question. They ask "is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not?" He responds that we should give to the government what is theirs, and give to God what is His. Also in other places we are instructed to respect authority and the laws of our country.

So if I disagree with everything said by our country's leader, is it morally right to support him through my loyalty?

Jesus, who was kind of an expert on morality, said yes. But this is no simple yes--it's not exactly "support everything your leader does."

Remember, we as Christians are not of this world. We belong to the Kingdom of God. However, we still live here, and so we still have to function in this place. If I decided to stop paying taxes so that my support doesn't go to a failed government, I'll probably go to jail.

We have to obey the law as a matter of survival, but we still have to place God and His Kingdom first.

I haven't signed out this way in a long time, but,

Goodbye, valiant reader,


Anonymous said...

"I think he's probably a communist."

Can you explain exactly why you believe this? Also, are you sure you know what a communist is? If you're going to make bold character statements, you should probably support them with factual evidence. Otherwise, the term for what you're doing is libel, and last time I checked, libel is not very Christian.

Mitchell said...

I do, in fact, know what a communist is. It's a social theory in which property and wealth is owned by the government, to be distributed as they see fit.

Barrack Obama, as he stated in his now-famous discussion with Joe the plumber, said this:

"When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

This is a ghost of Karl Marx's statement:

"From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs."

Also, Obama's health care plan is basically socialism. You can read more about it here:

He wants to lower health care costs. That's admirable, certainly, but his plan is to "strengthen employer coverage, make insurance companies accountable and ensures patient choice of doctor and care without government interference."

He says that insurance costs will go down by up to $2,500 per individual, but where is that money going to come from?

Look down at the bottom of his page. He's going to roll back the Bush tax cuts. Anyone making $250,000 or more will have a drastic tax increase to pay for the people who make less.

"From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs."